What is the Loupe Trial?

The Loupe Trial is the best way to see if Loupe Server’s centralized logging will work for you and your team. It’s a 30 day free trial with no payment information required. If you build an application using .NET or JAVA, you can easily add the Loupe agent and start logging today.

Try Out the All of Loupe’s Features

With the Loupe Trial, you have access to Loupe View, Resolve, and Monitor all together.
This way, you can see which modules will work best for you and your team, whether that means just Loupe View or all three.

  • Loupe View: Our core centralized logging platform. View your logs running from any computer around the world, all in one browser accessible location. The essential module for Loupe.

  • Loupe Resolve: Solve your most important problems with our issue management system. Know which errors affect the most people, occur the most often, and track them across versions of your application.

  • Loupe Monitor: An APM using the same integration and data already found in your logs. Know when problems arise in your production software and investigate performance trends across your application environments.

Full Access to Loupe’s Customer Support

Frankly, the first time you use a product is the time you will need the most help. That’s why we offer full customer support for our trial users. We want to make sure you have the best experience possible with your trial, so please feel free to reach out!

What’s Required to Use the Loupe Trial?

The Loupe trial requires no money and no credit card information to use, but there are a few things that you need to use the Loupe Trial:

  • Gibraltar Account: During the process of making your trial, you will have the chance to create your Gibraltar Account. If you have made one previously, you can use it as long as you haven’t used the trial before. If you have used the trial before, but want to try again, contact support.

  • The Loupe Agent: To use Loupe, you need to add the Loupe Agent to your application. You can find it as a NuGet package, on NPM(if using the client-side logging agent), or add it as a dependency to your pom.xml for JAVA.

Is There Another Way to Try Loupe?

If you want to dip your toe into the Loupe ecosystem without the trial, you can install our free local logging client, Loupe Desktop. It’s not a centralized logging client, but it’s a full-featured local log viewer and a good chance to try out the Loupe agent with a free log viewer you can keep forever. Better yet, it can work in tandem with Loupe Server and let you dig even deeper into your log data.

What About a Trial for Loupe Server Self Hosted?

We have a self-hosted trial available once you create a Gibraltar account. Currently the self-hosted trial is running the most current version of Loupe 4. Once Loupe 5 is released for self-hosted users, the trial will use Loupe 5.

The Best Way to Find Out More About Loupe

In our opinion, the best way to find out more about something is to give it a hands on try. So if you’re interested in how Loupe Server can help you build great applications, give it a try with the link below.

Sign Up for Loupe

Rock solid centralized logging

Unlimited applications, unlimited errors, scalable from solo startup to enterprise.