• Loupe 5.2 Released

    Enhanced custom session properties to help you find the right session in a sea of data, additional data management options for large Loupe installations, and performance improvements now available in Loupe 5.2.

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  • Using Loupe with .NET Container Apps

    Want to capture everything going on within your docker containers, no matter where they're running? See how you can quickly set up Loupe for containers for development and production

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  • Loupe 5.1 Released

    Building on Loupe 5 with new features to help you provide better support to your users, usability enhancements, and improved integration instructions.

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  • Improved Event Matching with Automatic Message Redaction

    At the core of Loupe Monitor and Resolve is the ability to group error messages that represent the same underlying problem together. As log messages arrive at the server, Loupe analyzes them and groups together ones that share the same signature into an Event. In Loupe Monitor, error events generate Alerts and in Loupe Resolve they go into the review queue so you can decide if they’re defects or not....

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Rock solid centralized logging

Unlimited applications, unlimited errors, scalable from solo startup to enterprise.