Loupe 3.6.1 Released!
Loupe Desktop Log Message Search
We’ve improved the search approach used within the Session Viewer to go beyond the caption field and search the extended description and details content of each log message. Just open a session and type the search terms you want into the Search box and all matching log messages are highlighted. You can then move back and forth between them to find the message you want.
Enterprise Live Sessions
Previously, Live Sessions were only available with Standard edition. This is a legacy of the additional technical challenges of implementing this feature safely for a cluster of repositories. Now it’s possible to set up Live Sessions for each Enterprise repository. The isolation of each repository is preserved, and new features have been added to prevent too many incoming Agent connections from overloading a single server. All of this has been added to the Server Admin tool to make sure it’s easy to set up and administer.
Enterprise Admin made Easier
We’ve rolled in several detailed feature requests from Enterprise customers including:
- Automatically Manage Encryption Keys: Eliminating a manual step that’s easy to forget and has a subtle failure mode by centralizing the encryption keys so they “just work”.
- Show Storage Metrics: With the new storage pools, make it easier to see how large each pool is and how much free space is left. Highlight any volumes that are getting low on space.
- Automatically Deploy All Configuration Changes: Repository configuration changes have always automatically deployed but some configuration changes required restarting windows services and web sites. All of these have been updated to automatically take effect across the cluster of servers efficiently. This is particularly important for Enterprise customers that may not have access to restart services on their servers.
All From Your Feedback
Every item in this release came from feature requests submitted to our new support system. We added this release to our schedule while we continued work on Loupe 3.8 since we understood the difference it’d make to get them done quickly and the development team felt it wouldn’t interfer with our next release. We try hard to sequence in any feature request as fast as we can - we know if you took the time to write it up, it’s really important! Take us up on that - add a feature request today for what would make your life easier!