Logs & Metrics from Everywhere
It is hard to get the big picture from individual log files. Even worse, it’s not always easy to access your logs, and you tend to only view it when something has gone wrong. Loupe is an all-in-one logging and monitoring solution that makes using your log data easier.
This starts with the Loupe Dashboard. It provides an overview of metrics and events as well as a list of the most recent sessions for your favorite applications. Know the health of your .NET and Java applications at a glance and start identifying problems proactively, not just when you get an angry email.
Logs from anywhere - desktop & mobile, online & off
Loupe's fault-tolerant design works to ensure you get all of the diagnostic data recorded by your .NET or Java applications, wherever they run.
Data is first recorded into compact binary files using local device storage and then asynchronously uploaded to Loupe in the background when network connections are available. By doing this in the background, bandwidth is minimized, and the upload process is segmented to ensure foreground activities aren't affected.
All of this means with one system you can get data from everywhere .NET or Java runs for you. No more requesting access to the production server to take a look at your most recent log files. Loupe simplifies the way you and your team handles log data.

Access your log data easily
Log data is not useful when you and your team cannot access it quickly. Whether you need to access your logs from your own desktop or from your production server, Loupe is designed to make sure you can access these logs all in the same place. Using our responsive, tablet-friendly Web UI you can access your log data and all of the analysis Loupe performs from anywhere. Or you can use Loupe Desktop - our native client for Windows - to rapidly drill through all of the data you record locally as well as on the Loupe Server.
Stop worrying about storage, keep the data you need
Troubleshooting complex problems is frustrating when you lack the data you need. It is even more frustrating when you had that data at one time, but it was deleted due to storage constraints.
Loupe’s compact binary log format is optimized for efficient long term storage, allowing terabytes of log data to be preserved for years, if needed. The extensive compression used ensures you can record as much detail as your application requires - because you can never go back and time and get more log data for what happened in production yesterday.